tropical locations






a few of my favorite things

a few of my favorite things

i'm so glad you're here!

Hey, I'm Shelly!

The organizational side to Katie's incredible creativity. 
I joined the Ribbon & Leaf team after 6 years working as a project manager for a web design & development firm.
I am the color-coordinated markers to specific tasks in my planner kind of girl and genuinely enjoy spending my free time organizing and de-cluttering my house and the ones of my friends, if they let me in. ;) 

I have been married to my college sweetheart for nearly 8 years and have two little boys, Josiah and August, who keep us on the move! We moved to California from Pennsylvania
5 years ago (after being lifelong east coasters) and have loved every second of exploring this stunning state.

I work behind the scenes with Katie helping your wedding day details come together both in the months leading up to your day and the day of! I can't wait to see your magical day come together! 

Hi, I'm Katie! 

From the very first time I realized that event planning was a legitimate job, that's what I set my sights on becoming.  I took a detour into the corporate world for awhile and very quickly realized that a corner office would never be the place for me.  After nearly a decade of producing weddings, I can say that I don't plan on changing careers any time soon.  This is absolutely the best job that I could ever imagine.  

 I have been told that I am the human form of a Xanax and I highly value all of the relationships in my life, clients included. 

I am a big picture person, who thrives on a deadline and the doubt others have that can't envision what I can.  Taking an idea and bringing it to life is what I enjoy doing the most.  

I have been married for over twelve years and we have three beautiful daughters, Tessa, Emma and Tori.  One of our daughters has Down Syndrome, so the Special Needs community is very close to my heart.  

On a wedding day, you can bet that once the formalities are over and everyone is happy on the dance floor, I will be off in the corner with a crisp Coke and a piece of cake watching the party go down. 

Cheers to you!